Oct 21

Apple iMac 24 inch Models Having Condensation ProblemsReports of issues concerning the 24 inch iMac have started to crop up now that they have been out a while.  The new anodized aluminum 4th generation iMac‘s that were first released back in early August are starting to show some strange problems.  Today, it seems that condensation is forming on the inside of the screen, according to people familiar with the issue.  The condensation shows up in the lower corners of the affected iMac’s, goes away, and then comes back when the area around the computer drops in temperature.

Any computer user knows that water and electronics do not go together.  It is recommended that people experiencing this or other issues concerning the physical state of the computer while in operation, should call Applecare to get it resolved.

Make sure to have all data backed up on an external drive if the iMac needs to be brought in for service.  To do this please check out yesterdays post on how to back up a Macintosh.  Hopefully, Apple will admit this problem soon and get affected users a fix for the 24 inch iMac. Via Engadget.

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