Sep 03

Apple iPhone Home Screen Dock 2.0The Apple iPhone cellphone has been getting a lot of attention from software developers that customize the home screen.  The program listed to the side is a new generation of home screen dock.  It is called Dock 2.0 and introduces users of the iPhone to a curved arc with an organized list of programs.

Using this software is easier than what it looks like above.  The software works the same way as scrolling through and picking a name in the address book.  To use it drag out the sunshine-bright spot on the lower right corner of the iPhone’s home screen.  To select a program from the arced list, stop at the one which is also shown on the bottom right hand side.

This software has a few downsides however.  The system software on the iPhone at this point does not operate well with several command-line apps.  This means that when an iPhone user tries to run a screen capturing utility with Dock 2.0, it will conflict with the scrolling arced program list.  Be careful with any software that changes the original system on the Apple iPhone. Via Tuaw.

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